Thursday, February 24, 2000

60 Minutes to broadcast Echelon story on Sunday.

America's puritanical fear of sex supports a teen pregnancy rate higher than the rates seen in France, Germany and Japan

New Art Bell ghost-to-ghost photos>

English translations of pre-war and World War 2 Nazi propaganda>

Shipping containers, and their analogous relationship to the Internet.

Disturbing legal tidbit from Salon: Only 15 states prosecute animal rape as a felony: Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Virginia.

While NASA officials don't categorically state that there has never been any sexual activity in space, they have consistently drawn a veil over public discussion of such questions

Humor: The lowest rated Jerry Spring episode ever

I am really getting addicted to reading the movie scripts at Drew's Scripts-o-Ramma.>

Tagged: Old
Posted: February 24, 2000