Tuesday, February 22, 2000

New weblog I'm reading today: Vavatch Orbital run by Adrian Hon (no email address available on site). He and I need to get together and talk Mars colonization. University of California Berkeley team gets algae to turn sunlight into large quantities of hydrogen gas (via Slashdot). Finally, an easily renewable source oh hydrogen. Can we cut back on the petroleum now?> University of California Berkeley team gets algae to turn sunlight into large quantities of hydrogen gas (via Slashdot). Finally, an easily renewable source oh hydrogen. Can we cut back on the petroleum now?> C-SPAN's Survey of Presidential Leadership is out. Everyone has heard that Clinton was 41st out of 41 in Moral Authority, but James Buchanan's average score in all ten categories was 39.9! Zoetrope All-Stories is reviewed by Salon.com and called "Hissy fit now" via Ouch! Zoetrope's egalitarian offspring: Author, Author Paul Theroux has a new book, Fresh-Air Fiend (detailing some 50 journeys in every continent) [amazon] [article] [another] [review] Great writers leave behind great correspondence

Tagged: Old
Posted: February 22, 2000