Monday, March 27, 2000

Science fiction writers often suffer from bad science. The Hard Science Fiction Tools page can help. In about 15 different Javascript pages that, you can "Plan a Planet that orbits a Main Sequence Star" or determine "Hohmann Transfer Orbits in the Solar System", and more! The archives and 7-Day OTD are working again. I hate Blogger sometimes. (I was thinking about moving to or, but with Dave's recent troubles network, I really don't know if it would be worth it! I've put up some new pages today. The most exciting (and most complete) is my So I Married an Axe Murderer Resource Page. SIMAAM is Mike Meyers at his best! (I also started work on my radio preferences page, but there are not links from it, yet.) #title "Dane Carlson's Very Old Archives"

Tagged: Old
Posted: March 27, 2000