Friday, October 06, 2000

Time travel excerpt from The Journal of Transfigural Mathmatics: "Because large social events are usually the effect of the cumulative actions of large numbers of people, the time-traveler most likely cannot make a change in larger, well-documented historical events."

Tabloid O' The Day!: the random tabloid generator. Reload for more fun.

How come two members of the Drudge family have incredibly great websites? Matt, the son, has his own litttle "citizen reporter" website,, but more importantly, his father has, which is probably the best reference site out there! It is incredible!

Interview with Gregory Rabassa, the man who translated for Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar, and Jorge Amado. Like the interviewer, I blame Rabassa for preventing me from learning Spanish and Portuguese.

Transcript of the vice presidential debate between Richard Cheney and Sen. Joseph Lieberman >

Tagged: Old
Posted: October 06, 2000