Friday, October 27, 2000

Virulent Memes : Stupid and Contagious looks like an interesting blog. I'll have to check it out later...> Today I thought I'd take it upon myself to send an email and personally thank each the owner of every weblog I visit for their "time an energy put into their weblog," and remind them that we're on the way to "digitizing all of human thought." Comments? Email me > What is it with weblogs like this one? Do * weblogs only link to each other? Is it somehow easier to face themselves at the end of the day? Do Blogger and Pitas people do the same?> Interesting argument against abolishing the electoral college. The electoral college is like the World Series: "Runs must be grouped in a way that wins games, just as popular votes must be grouped in a way that wins states. ">

Tagged: Old
Posted: October 27, 2000