Gary, On \"Greeble's Heisenwhack Principle,\"...

Gary, On "Greeble's Heisenwhack Principle," I must protest. Where is the excitement, the danger, or the thrill of discovery in using the Heisenwhack Compensator when searching for Googlewhacks? Its like playing Russian Roulette with the safety on. The enjoyable part of whacking is knowing that you're the first to lay claim to that virgin soil -- that lone page on the Google results. With the Compensator active (-googlewhack) its like going on archeological expeditions inside an air conditioned Disney-esque "Archeology World." Every discovery you make has likely been made before. With true Googlewhacking, when you log your discoveries you know that you'll be the only person to ever discover them. No one else can experience that same moment of joy. There is a finite number of Googlewhacks available, and you have one of them all to yourself.

Tagged: Old
Posted: January 28, 2002