Reid Stott makes a damn...

Reid Stott makes a damn good point about human intelligence (spies): "We all know the US rules the world of electronic intelligence, and we also know our intelligence services have sometimes been found lacking in the area of human intelligence, meaning agents on the ground, often undercover. Afghanistan was a glaring example of that, with the claim made that there's just no way for an American to infiltrate organizations like Al Qaeda. "The criminal complaint alleges Walker Lindh learned this past summer from one of his instructors at a terrorist training camp that Osama bin Laden 'had sent people to the United States to carry out several suicide operations.' "Jihad Johnny arrived in Afghanistan in March of 2001. By June or July, he had obtained critical intelligence, and been in the presence of Osama himself. What were the "bonafides" that got him there? Some time spent studying the Koran in Yemen and Pakistan. Otherwise, he was just a 20 year old kid from California. I'm hoping there's some folks at Langley quietly kicking themselves and rethinking their obviously faulty assumptions. "

Tagged: Old
Posted: January 30, 2002