Review of Adaptation [1]: \"Unlike...

Review of Adaptation: "Unlike most top-shelf Hollywood screenwriters, Kaufman doesn't seem terribly, er, adaptable. Anything he writes is likely to turn into a Charlie Kaufman script. That's apparently what happened with Adaptation, a version of Susan Orlean's book The Orchid Thief that Kaufman took on after Malkovich. When he finally delivered a draft after months of helpless toil, The Orchid Thief had mysteriously turned into a comedy titled Adaptation, about a screenwriter named Charlie Kaufman (Nicolas Cage) trying to juggle his pathetic, loveless existence and an assignment to adapt an unadaptable book called The Orchid Thief, by Susan Orlean (appealingly played by Meryl Streep, in her tenderhearted-professional-woman mode)."

Tagged: Old
Posted: December 05, 2002