Joe Jennet [1]: \"...but, when...

Joe Jennet: "...but, when I see identical posts (verbatim) on two different weblogs, posted within an hour of each other and neither citing its source, I think to myself 'one of these guys is a plagiarist.' Sometimes, I even wonder if they're both plagiarists. Then again, who cares? I'm probably just being a skeptical s.o.b. anyway. Silly me!" Loyd asked me to respond to this. Joe - as I'm always seeing 'my' posts all over the place, let me set your mind at ease. I blog in what Mark Pilgrim classifies as the cite-link-quote style. Its not a very difficult style to use. When I find an interesting article that I think others may get a kick out of I grab the article title, make it a link, insert a colon, then a double quote, a paragraph from the story (usually the first or second) and finally another double quote. Easy. Originally, I was copying Dave Winer's style but lots of people use it. I have to assume that other people probably read some of the same sources I read. Since my style of blogging is in no way unique, isn't it usually simply a coincidence that I can find exact copies of my posts floating around.

Tagged: Old
Posted: January 30, 2003