Power Lust [1], Lew Rockwell...

Power Lust, Lew Rockwell on Bush's State of the Union:

Where to begin to criticize? George Bush is the biggest spender since Lyndon Johnson, increasing federal spending at a rate twice that of Clinton, and yet he stands up and demands spending restraint, seeming to blame everyone but himself.

He talks about freedom and opportunity and then brags about his new bureaucracies, spending programs, mandates, comprehensive plans, regulations, and goals concerning all our lives, from how our kids are educated to the cars we drive to the way we care for those in need.

Hypocrisy? He denounces bureaucrats and praises innovation only to demand a huge new boondoggle program to put researchers on the dole. Indeed, the underlying assumption behind the entire speech was that America's commitment is identical to his own commitment, which is reflected in his plans for your money.

Bush said, "The course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others I will defend the freedom and security of the American people." Are these not the words of a dictator?

He got the country's name wrong, but Bush was precisely right when he said: "Your enemy is not surrounding your country. Your enemy is ruling your country."

Tagged: Old
Posted: January 29, 2003