How to make your weblog posts speak in Movable Type

Loyd pointed to this cool AT&T Labs Text to Speech converter.

I was bored, so now if you want to make your weblog posts speak, add the code below to your Movable Type individual entry template (or the main index template inside of the <MTEntries> container).

You can change the value of voice to any of the following to affect the sound and pronunciation of the speaker: crystal, mike, rich, rosa, klara, reiner, alain, juliette, charles, or audrey.

<FORM METHOD="post" NAME="demoForm"
<input type="hidden" name="txt" value="<$MTEntryBody remove_html="1"$>">
<input type="hidden" name="voice" VALUE="mike">
<input type="hidden" name="rate" VALUE="8000">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="speakButton" VALUE="Speak">

The converter seems to allow no more than 49 words to be converted to speech. That's plenty for me.

Update: Chris Pirillo has implemented my SPEAK buttons. Congrats on being an early adopter, Chris!

Tagged: Old
Posted: June 18, 2003