Windows 2000/XP and Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts

Collected from this thread on WebmasterWorld

  1. SHIFT + spin mouse wheel - Cycles backward and forward through pages in Internet Explorer (no need for the back/forward button)
  2. CTRL + spin - changes text size in Internet Explorer
  3. ALT + D - Select address bar text
  4. ALT + F4 - Close Window
  5. ALT + G - Toggle to Google Toolbar
  6. ALT + HOME - Return to your homepage
  7. ALT + SPACE + N Minimize current window
  8. ALT + SPACE + X Maximize current window
  9. ALT + TAB - Cycles through running applications
  10. CTRL + A - Select all items on page
  11. CTRL + B - Open and organize favorites list
  12. CTRL + C - Copy items to clipboard
  13. CTRL + D - Add page to favorites list
  14. CTRL + E - Open search companion
  15. CTRL + ENTER - Add www. and .com to address bar entry
  16. CTRL + F - Find on this page
  17. CTRL + F5 - Unconditional refresh
  18. CTRL + H - Open history list
  19. CTRL + I - Open favorites list
  20. CTRL + L - Go to a new location
  21. CTRL + LEFT ARROW - Move cursor left to break in address bar
  22. CTRL + N - Open new window
  23. CTRL + O - Go to a new location
  24. CTRL + P - Print page
  25. CTRL + R - Refresh page
  26. CTRL + RIGHT ARROW - Move cursor right to break in address bar
  27. CTRL + S - Save page
  28. CTRL + TAB - Move forward between frames
  29. CTRL + V - Paste items from clipboard
  30. CTRL + W - Close window
  31. CTRL + X - Cut and copy items to clipboard
  32. CTRL + Z - Undo last action
  33. ESC - Stop downloading page
  34. BACKSPACE - Back button
  35. DOWN ARROW - Scroll down
  36. UP ARROW - Scroll up
  37. ALT + LEFT ARROW - Previous page
  38. ALT + RIGHT ARROW - Next page
  39. F1 - Display help
  40. F11 - Toggle full screen mode
  41. F5 - Refresh page
  42. F6 - Highlights the Address Bar
  43. ALT + PRNT SCN - Window screen capture (then paste into MS Paint or Photoshop)
  44. PRNT SCN - Screen capture (then paste into MS Paint or Photoshop)
  45. SHIFT + CLICK - Open link in new window
  46. SHIFT + F10 - Right click menu
  47. SHIFT + F3 - Cycle Caps
  48. TAB - Toggle forward through page items
  49. WINDOWS + D - Show desktop
  50. WINDOWS + E - Open Windows Explorer
  51. WINDOWS + M - Minimize all windows
  52. WINDOWS + R - Run
  53. WINDOWS + TAB - Cycle through taskbar

Tagged: Old
Posted: June 24, 2003